Sustainability Club
Little USA Community Solar Campus is a sustainability initiative in Bullock County, Alabama, in the mid-stage of planning and funding a small solar farm designed to produce energy locally and serve as a sustainability education and career pathway training center.
In consortium with Bullock County Schools, Little USA launched an extracurricular “Sustainability Club” to introduce students to issues and solutions related to renewable energy.
The first Sustainability Club project was developed by STEM Educator, Anwar Walker, at South Highlands Middle School in Union Springs. The students prepared a community garden with added solar panels to explore the uses of Agrivoltaics or solar farming within their black belt regional environment.
There are many excellent resources available to teachers who would like to employ this type of hands-on curriculum with students. Energy Alabama offers a good collection of curriculum resources organized by grade level. Educators familiar with the GLOBE program and data collection process with students would be good candidates for this sustainability education at any grade level.
Possible Sustainability Club Activities:
Home Energy Use Survey:
Students collect data on home appliances and energy use
Compare results
Make recommendations for home conservation solutions
Make recommendations for broader community action
Introduction to Renewable Energy
Online Introduction to Renewable Energy from Solar Energy International
Online Introduction to Solar Energy from Udemy (Small fee)
Energy Alabama
Additional activities can be determined by teachers and students to create an immersive and inclusive learning experience for those involved.
If you are interested in participating or would just like to know more about the proposed program, click here.